Occupational safety and health

The safety of our employees as well as the protection of their health at work is our top priority at all of our sites. The company’s philosophy is to prevent any accidents and injuries from happening in the first place. To this end, the company enforces a zero-accident culture based on the active education and engagement of employees in a range of OSH programmes tailored to all positions, from managers to construction site workers.


Stick to and demand from others the upholding of the following 12 rules of safe work!

1. Don’t fool around, use your head!

2. Wear your hi-vis vest, hard hat and work boots!

3. Stay safe when working at height!

4. Never enter a trench that is not protected against a cave-in!

5. Watch your step!

6. Tidy up!

7. Stay away from suspended loads!

8. Reverse with a beeper, drive with a beacon!

9. Use your tools as intended!

10. Keep your distance from traffic!

11. Be careful when working on rail tracks!

12. Keep clear of wires!

Do you neglect the rules or let others neglect them?

THEN ...