Suppliers’ invoices

In addition to complying with the relevant statutory requirements, invoices in both digital and printed forms must include the MUCODE identification. The MUCODE is indicated on each order to EUROVIA SK as part of the billing address. The MUCODE must be included on all suppliers’ invoices.

Printed invoices containing the MUCODE must be forwarded to the appropriate PO BOX, not to the official address of EUROVIA SK.

1. Digital invoices sent by electronic mail

  • Invoices must be sent to:
  • Invoices must be in the pdf format.
  • Invoices must be sent to the correct e-mail address..
  • The e-mail subject must include one of the following expressions: faktúra, faktúry, fakturácia, fakturované, fakturujeme, prefakturácia, prefakturácia, invoice, facture, rechnung, dobropis, vyúčtovanie, vyuctovanie, fakturacia.
  • Only the uncompressed pdf format is accepted, with or without a digital signature.
  • Each e-mail message may contain only one invoice.
  • Where the pdf file contains additional documentation, the invoice must be on page 1 in the file.
  • An e-mail message may contain no more than two files (invoice + supplement). Where an e-mail message contains two files, the file with the invoice must include “Faktúra” as part of the filename.
  • Attachments must not exceed 15 MB in size.

2. Printed invoices forwarded to PO Boxes

Printed invoices for entities must be forwarded to the following PO BOX: EUROVIA SK, J. Kráľa 651, 972 26 Nitriankse Rudno.

Take note! PO Boxes and their e-mail address counterparts are intended solely for regular and pro forma invoices. Any other correspondence, including contracts, reminder notices, requests for the release of bail, advertising, invitation letters, etc., must be sent to the postal address of EUROVIA SK or to the e-mail address of the relevant contact person.