Emission-free electricity
EUROVIA SK runs on emission-free electricity from VSE
The building and maintenance of transport infrastructure in Slovakia became a lot greener with the advent of 2022 as EUROVIA SK joined the ranks of consumers and entities using electricity obtained from emission-free sources. Using 1 MWh of emission-free electricity saves some 0.15 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions compared to using electricity from the traditional energy mix available in Slovakia. At the average annual consumption rate of EUROVIA SK, this translates into a reduction of some 945 tonnes of CO2. EUROVIA SK will use emission-free electricity from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2023.
All our operations are gradually implementing various environmentally friendly measures. The agreement covers all our facilities spread all over the country. Our legacy for the generations to come will thus include not only top-quality roads but also a much-reduced carbon footprint. That is some good news that we can share with both our customers and business partners.
The agreement on the supply of emission-free electricity was signed with VSE, a.s., Košice, for a period of two years. Over the 24-month period, the company will consume about 12,600 MWh, with a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions of more than 1,890 tonnes.
The pressure to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases stems from European climatic commitments. Member states agreed stricter climatic goals that are to be achieved by 2030. According to the updated commitment, total emissions are to drop by at least 55 percent compared to a 1990 baseline. By 2050, the EU wants to be carbon neutral.
The complete chain from production to the consumption of emission-free electricity is fully transparent. The consumer obtains an EcoGreen certificate confirming that they consumed electricity from an emission-free source.
The certificate is issued by OKTE, a.s., in accordance with Act No. 309/2009 of the Slovak Legislative Code, on supporting renewable energy sources and high-efficiency co-generation, and amending certain other acts of law. The certificate can be downloaded here .